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The End of the World Web Series

The End of the World / How to Thrive in the 21st Century

Welcome to the end of the world – a web-series that the Heschel Center developed based on issues we have been discussing in our educational programs. Watch the web-series, which will give you a different perspective and even some room for optimism!

The Situation
is Serious

Presented by Naama Amit
Directed by Alon Levi

The bad news is that the situation is serious, really serious.
Planet Earth, the one we signed a lease with for all eternity, is in bad shape. The parquet floors are cracking, the air condition is sputtering, and a flood is on the way. So we better roll up our sleeves and get to work… Oh, the good news is that Naama has a really awesome rap song she’s about to drop.

The Situation
is Grave

Presented by Naama Amit
Directed by Alon Levi

The bad news is that the situation is serious, really serious.
Planet Earth, the one we signed a lease with for all eternity, is in bad shape. The parquet floors are cracking, the air condition is sputtering, and a flood is on the way. So we better roll up our sleeves and get to work… Oh, the good news is that Naama has a really awesome rap song she’s about to drop.

We Did

Presented by Tomer Sharon (Tomash)
Director by Alon Levi

We understand that the climate crisis is a catastrophe unlike anything we have ever encountered before. We understand that we better do something, and fast, and yet, we’re way more concerned with pressing matters like what to have for dinner, stresses at work, and the latest political scandal. What can we do to focus our attention on this coming crisis?

We Did

Presented by Tomer Sharon (Tomash) Director by Alon Levi

We understand that the climate crisis is a catastrophe unlike anything we have ever encountered before. We understand that we better do something, and fast, and yet, we’re way more concerned with pressing matters like what to have for dinner, stresses at work, and the latest political scandal. What can we do to focus our attention on this coming crisis?

Technological Optimism

Presented by Shai Avivi
Directed by Alon Levi

One might expect that with all this technological innovation, couldn’t we just skip watching the video and have a chip implanted directly into our brains? And while we’re at it, why have we not invented the technology that can save us from the climate crisis? Wouldn’t it be nice if technology solved all our problems? Shai Avivi can’t wait to discuss our (misplaced) dependency on technological solutions.

Technological Optimism

Presented by Shai Avivi
Directed by Alon Levi

One might expect that with all this technological innovation, couldn’t we just skip watching the video and have a chip implanted directly into our brains? And while we’re at it, why have we not invented the technology that can save us from the climate crisis? Wouldn’t it be nice if technology solved all our problems? Shai Avivi can’t wait to discuss our (misplaced) dependency on technological solutions.

The Truth about

Presented by Liat Tamari
Directed by Alon Levi

Don’t you think economic growth is a wonderful thing? It’s true that when we visit the mall and spend money, we’re increasing the GDP and supporting the economy. But guess what: terminal diseases and wars also increase GDP and grow the economy. Who benefits from this “economic growth”? Hint: Not the average citizen. But there’s good news – we can change this.


Presented by Liat Tamari
Directed by Alon Levi

Don’t you think economic growth is a wonderful thing? It’s true that when we visit the mall and spend money, we’re increasing the GDP and supporting the economy. But guess what: terminal diseases and wars also increase GDP and grow the economy. Who benefits from this “economic growth”? Hint: Not the average citizen. But there’s good news – we can change this.

The Tragedy of the Commons*

Presented by Hili Yalon and Arik Zilberman
Directed by Alon Levi

Excuse me, is that your air? Sounds like the beginning of a joke, right? Of course the air belongs to everyone – we call it “the commons” for a reason. No one owns the air: This is great, but it’s also a problem. If no one owns it, anyone can contaminate it without taking responsibility. On the other hand, there are too many examples of natural resources being transferred to private ownership such as beaches, zinc, and other minerals. Here’s a hilarious sitcom about a very serious topic.

*A situation described by Garrett Hardin, 1968.

The Tragedy of the Commons*

Presented by Hili Yalon and Arik Zilberman Directed by Alon Levi

Excuse me, is that your air? Sounds like the beginning of a joke, right? Of course the air belongs to everyone – we call it “the commons” for a reason. No one owns the air: This is great, but it’s also a problem. If no one owns it, anyone can contaminate it without taking responsibility. On the other hand, there are too many examples of natural resources being transferred to private ownership such as beaches, zinc, and other minerals. Here’s a hilarious sitcom about a very serious topic.

*A situation described by Garrett Hardin, 1968.

There are solutions

The end of the world? Not so fast… We still have a lot to do to fix it.
Some of the answers are below – and more!
Take it away, Renana.

Presented by Renana Raz
Directed by Alon Levi

Solutions for "The Situation is Serious"

Nature Regeneration

Are you still looking for the technological solution that will save humanity? Perhaps we just need to stop destroying the very thing that has been saving us for all of these years – nature! If we just let the woods, the rivers, the oceans, and all the rest of the wonders that are part of the natural environment regenerate, nature will restore the balance to the world. Simple, smart, natural.

1 minute 24 seconds

The Green
New Deal​

The situation is grave? Definitely. But we have an offer you can’t refuse. 
The economic crisis provides an opportunity to develop a new economic model that fits a new era – in which we don’t exploit, don’t pollute and are much more social-environmental conscious to the benefit of everyone.  Meet the green new deal – a new deal with an environmental twist that is good for people and nature.

1 minute 46 seconds

Carbon Tax

“Good taxes”? There’s no such thing! But maybe there is? What would you say about taxes that promote clean energy? How about taxes that incentivize companies to develop renewable energy and which assist those communities that are most vulnerable to climate change.

1 minute 39 seconds

Solutions for "We Did Nothing"

The 3.5%

“Protests don’t make a difference.” Wrong! A famous study from Harvard University followed hundreds of protests for social change over 100 years. This research discovered that it only takes 3.5% of the population to be actively engaged for a movement to succeed.

1 minute 7 seconds


They say that when you go into politics, you start seeing things differently. The problem is that too many times, you stop seeing things from the most important angle. Get a glimpse of the next generation of democracy – a citizen’s assembly. A methodology that aligns political interests with those of the people and the commons.

1 minute 47 seconds

Solutions for "Technological Optimism"

Bio Mimicry

Meet the best technological innovation – a banana! 
It comes with 100% compostable packaging, no need for an expiration date, nor does not poison the air, water, or soil. It’s about time we start listening and learning from the smartest product engineer ever – nature.

1 minute 47 seconds

Nature Regeneration

Are you still looking for the technological solution that will save humanity? Perhaps we just need to stop destroying the very thing that has been saving us for all of these years – nature! If we just let the woods, the rivers, the oceans, and all the rest of the wonders that are part of the natural environment regenerate, nature will restore the balance to the world. Simple, smart, natural.

1 minute 24 seconds

Solutions for Economic Growth

The Happiness Measurement

The growth rate, the GDP, the demand curve… but what about the happiness curve? 
Why do we sacrifice our lives and happiness on behalf of economic terms? Don’t you think we can do better than that? Jessinda Ardren, the Prime Minister of New Zealand, doesn’t just think that we can do things differently, but is actually mplementing a different approach. Isn’t it time that the economy serves us, and not the other way around?

1 minute 40 seconds

Universal Basic Income

The COVID-19 pandemic brought a huge economic crisis. How can a country assist hundreds of thousands of people that lost their sources of income along with their economic security? Here’s a revolutionary idea – universal basic income for all, allowing for everyone to live in dignity and economic security. Sounds radical and impossible to implement? You know another idea which seemed impossible a hundred years ago? Giving women the right to vote.

1 minute 44 seconds

Carbon Tax

“Good taxes”? There’s no such thing! But maybe there is? What would you say about taxes that promote clean energy? How about taxes that incentivize companies to develop renewable energy and which assist those communities that are most vulnerable to climate change.

1 minute 39 seconds