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A National Plan for Renewable Energy

Last month we hosted a webinar to launch Project NZO’s National Plan for Renewable Energy. The webinar was attended by over 200 participants with the aim to demonstrate and inspire decision-makers, as well as the public, that Israel can and should transition to 95% renewables by 2050.

The webinar included speakers such as MK Miki Haimovich, head of the Interior and Environment Committee; Amnon Portugali, researcher, writer, and an academic professor; Hanadi Hijris, Planning and Environmental Supervision Manager at the Towns Association for Environmental Quality who represented the Arab community’s response to the plan, and more.

The plan was launched at the right time, a few weeks before the election. An important initiative, “Bocharim Yarok” (Hebrew for “Choosing Green”) has emerged during that time, headed by Heschel Center’s former CEO Victor Weis, who reached out to ALL of the party leaders and urged them to add an environmental agenda to their platform. The initiative was incredibly successful: most parties added an environmental agenda, while even the right-winged party of “Yamina” added a paragraph taken from NZO’s plan – 50% renewables by 2030, and 95% Renewables by 2050. We are so proud of Victor’s success and his volunteers for ensuring that the NZO plan is integrated into the political parties’ agendas.

Project NZO is determined to ensure the plan is implemented by the new government.