Climate Change
The Climate Project has four strategic goals: engage decision makers, provide thought leadership, increase public engagement, and develop and take part in a robust multi-sectoral strategy for climate action.
The NZO Project (Net ZerO emissions or Eiz Zo Agada) has one important mission: to ensure Israel’s transition to a 100% renewable energy by 2050.
This project’s goal is to serve the need for a shared framework of different social change organizations to work together on large issues, such as reducing poverty, gender equality, promoting health, and more.
Supported by the Ministry of Environmental Protection, we critically evaluated the social and economic ramifications of the government’s objectives of greenhouse gas emission reduction, and identified leverage points where societal inequality, public health and overall well-being could be addressed and improved.
In a world of growing interdependence, transboundary threats are increasing due to the climate crisis. The lack of water in Gaza and Jordan, or the decline in food crops in Egypt, pose a danger to Israel’s national security as well.
There is a global crisis of representative democracy, which is worsening in all the veteran democracies. At its core is a crisis of governance, expressed in a weakened ability to serve the vital public interest in a variety of fundamental ways.
Sustainable Economics

21st Century Economics
Our economics needs to be re-examined. Does the system really serve its purpuse? We are gathering Israeli experts from philosophy, social and political sciences, and economics fields to develop ideas that will encourage decision makers to think outside the box.

Local Sustainable Economy
Even before COVID-19, peripheral municipalities were struggling to keep the exchange of money and goods within the city. LSE is a set of concepts, tools and practices that could bring local prosperity, economically, socially and environmentally.