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Thank you!

Thank you for registering! 

A few important instructions

Our main communication method is via email: course materials, instructions, etc. 

Within the next few minutes we will send an email to the email address you indicated in the registration form.

Please check that you have received it and send back a reply. That will ensure that our email will be received with no issues. 

What if I did not receive an email? 

If you did not receive the email please check if it arrived elsewhere: 

  • The Spam Inbox – If the mail arrived in the spam inbox transfer it to your main inbox and mark it as “Not Spam”
  • Other inboxes – Often times the email server directs the emai to other inboxes such as “updates”, “Promotions”, etc. It is recommended that our emails will appear in your general inbox.
  • I still do not find it: please email [email protected]l and let us know. 

We look forward to seeing you soon!